Introducing my podcast - Stuff I don’t know!

I’ve said for the past few years I’ve wanted to start a podcast in a few of my ‘year in review’ posts. And today, I’m finally delivering that goal!

I’ve been listening to podcasts since I was 14 years old and I’ve always been fascinated with broadcasting since then. I’ve had this idea that I wanted to start a podcast for years, I remember wanting to get this podcast starter kit I saw on Amazon when I was a teenager, but I never got it.

This isn’t my first rodeo when it comes to content creation, I’ve previously had some experience in making YouTube videos years ago, but I’ve never created a podcast.

So, I’ve been thinking more seriously lately about starting my own podcast. It would be a fun hobby to have and learn new skills as well would be a plus.

But, what would be my podcast be about?

I had a few ideas at first, and one that did stick was something called “Josh On Tech”. It was going to be me talking about the latest tech news and my thoughts.

But what would be the hook? Why would anyone want to listen to me? I honestly couldn’t give an answer. Plus, there are plenty of podcasts about people talking about tech. I’d be entering a very crowded market.

So I decided to rethink, what would be a fun and interesting podcast that would be exciting for me to work one and entertaining to listeners? That’s when I had a lightbulb moment; what if it was about me researching and explaining a topic that I know nothing about? I’m not an expert in everything in the world, so it would be fun to learn new topics! I enjoy learning so this would be great for me. That’s when I settled on the title; “Stuff I don’t know!”

Podcast logo

Next, there are two important questions:

  • Where will I host my podcast?
  • How will I record my podcast?

For hosting, I did plenty of research and narrowed it down to the following providers:

I settled on Acast as it has a pretty good free tier (and soon Acast will be part of the Podcast Standards Project)

Next, I needed equipment to record my podcast with.

I ended up going for the following key pieces:

  • FDUCE SL40 microphone
  • FiFine audio interface.

And in terms of software, I’m using GarageBand, the free software that comes with a Mac (which is very good, I'm honestly surprised of how much it can do)

If you’d like to listen, check out the website.

Now after visiting the website, you might think “I wish I had a cool website for my podcast!”

Well, good news, now you can! With my new project, Super Podcast Starter, setting up a website for your podcast is easy!

Be sure to give it a spin!

This blog will continue, but it may not updates might be slower than usual. I’ve got plenty of topics that I want to blog about.

If you listened to Stuff I don’t know, let me know what you think! I’m happy to receive feedback.



A photo of me!

I'm Joshua Blewitt, I'm passionate about product, a technology advocate, customer champion, curious mind and writer. I've worked for companies such as Rightmove, Domino's Pizza and IQVIA.

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