What’s new on version 3.1?

Hello and welcome to version 3.1 of this website! 🎉

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s new:

RSS Feed

Looking to read my blog on your favourite RSS reader such as Feedly? Now you can! You can find a link to the XML file on the blog page or check out the RSS icon in the footer! Just copy the address of the file and add it to your reader.

When you add my blog to your RSS reader of choice, make sure you allow for notifications. Then you can read my latest post when it’s available.

This feature was achieved by using the Gatbsy plugin for generating an RSS feed based on a GraphQL query.

Pinned post

You may notice that there is now a pinned post on the blog page! Think of this as a feature that allows me to recommend you a post that you should read.

This was achieved by creating a hook through using a static query in GraphQL. The query is set to find a specific post. I can update this to a different post in the future. This allows me to bring back posts from the archive.

You can see the pinned post at the top of the blog page, with the newer posts displayed below it.

Mobile view fixes

The mobile view was a little narrow, I’ve made a small change so that it uses more of the screen.

Small changes to the about page

The about page has had some small updates, including linking to the F1 Project (as the Video Game API no longer exists, thanks Heroku!)

New icon added to email button

I’ve added a new icon to the email button, which is also animated to grab your attention.

Package updates

This site now runs on Gatsby version 5.8.1! Every other package has been updated as well to keep things running smoothly.

As always, the code for this site is open source and free to look at, you can view the code here.

And that’s all that’s changed in this version! If you have any feedback, let me know 👍



A photo of me!

I'm Joshua Blewitt, I'm passionate about product, a technology advocate, customer champion, curious mind and writer. I've worked for companies such as Rightmove, Domino's Pizza and IQVIA.

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