New changes and improvements 🔨

###A new font

Over the past few months, I've been making some slight changes to the website and today I thought I'd talk about them. I mean, it is development right?

Let's dive in with one of the most visual changes, the new font that you are seeing right now!

I've chosen the Vollkorn Serif font to be used for posts and text that isn't a title. I'm still using Quicksand on other areas on the site as I find the font helps titles stand out.

Why I chose Vollkorn is that it's easy on the eyes when reading and has a wide variety of different weights. Plus, it's free to use which is great.

###Quotes and Code

I've also got some new CSS for displaying quotes and code!

Here's a quote - looks nice, right?

print("This is some code! Nice formatting!")

This helps make presenting quotes and code nicer and more pleasing to read.

If you're looking for the code for either of these, then here - feel free to use it! Check out the CodePen examples!

###New button

It's now often I get excited about a button, but here we are. The button on the homepage has been updated with something that's a bit more modern and actually looks like a button.

This new button looks like the card design on the work page but with a new background and some animation.

The button itself is designed to look like a piece of textured paper or card.

There's animation for when you hover over it, the card is lifted up and then the animation for active shows the card being pressed down.

If you want to play around with it and see it for yourself (without sending me an email) - checkout the CodePen!

And that's about it!

Might not be the most exciting post ever but I wanted to highlight the improvements made to the user experience on this site.

Thanks for reading! 👏



A photo of me!

I'm Joshua Blewitt, I'm passionate about product, a technology advocate, customer champion, curious mind and writer. I've worked for companies such as Rightmove, Domino's Pizza and IQVIA.

Let me know your thoughts!
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